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Messages 11 to 20 on 87

Chevels has written the 02/06/2010 at 15:59
Il y a 20 ans j'en avais 9 et j'étais en admiration quand je tombais sur une intro "made in Fuzion". Quel savoir faire me disais-je! D'autant plus que leurs compiles venaient agrandir ma ludothèque ;-) Merci encore les gars de chez Fuzion si toutefois vous passez par-là. Jamais je n'aurais pensé avoir l'occasion de pouvoir vous remercier un jour. Merci pour le travail fourni par ce site, démystifiant ainsi "l'entité" Fuzion!

der_eiz has written the 25/08/2009 at 21:20
ok...some greetz from thuringia (germany) atari is still alive)

Retro Reminiscer has written the 05/05/2009 at 04:25
Absolutely fantastic read, and a wonderful site. I'm in to emulation myself across all platforms and came by your site by accident. However, I stayed and had a good read and bumped up my collection of roms too if you don't mind me saying so...great work, great site... Retro

Fenner has written the 28/03/2009 at 11:59
This has been a really enjoyable trip down memory lane. If only we could go back to the fun.

ReNaRd has written the 22/03/2009 at 18:04
Salutation ! BRAVO merci les gars vous nous aveez fait vibrer aux sons precurseurs de vos intro et de vos trackers.. :p Greetingz a tous ceux qui comme vous ont su faire avancer la scene underground. FUZION RULES !! RnR http://8bmj.fr


Lasse has written the 01/02/2009 at 16:09
Nice site!

BoNuS has written the 28/01/2009 at 08:14
Great site, Atari fan forever !!! Thanks for all the work you put into it !

STC/HEMOROIDS has written the 25/09/2008 at 21:09
Salut venez sur mon site pour les anciens de la demoscene. est ici : http://referencement.alter.free.fr Si vous avez un site web Tchao HMD Rulez !


Nours has written the 04/06/2008 at 10:35
Juste un test, aprés passage à php5


EP has written the 12/01/2008 at 04:16
Hi I would like to interview you for the mag. Please contact me to do so. ++


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